????? ???????? – Four Rafflesia verrucosa, a species endemic to the Philippines and classified as critically endangered, were recently sighted by the DENR 12 - Biodiversity Monitoring System (BMS) team of Protected Area Management Office - Mount Matutum Protected Landscape (PAMO-MMPL), during the four-day monitoring activity within the established permanent biodiversity monitoring site, on September 23, at Barangay Kablon, Tupi, this province.
One Rafflesia bud and one partially opened were found, both located at an altitude of approximately 1,553 meters above sea level (masl), the latter has a circumference of 28 cm. and a height of 11.43 cm was spotted at Sitio Datal Ngisi, Brgy. Kablon.
The second sighting of another two Rafflesia buds was found within the BMS transect area at Sitio Glandang, of the same barangay.
These glimpses are significant as Rafflesia verrucosa is listed as a critically endangered species under DAO 2017-11, the "Updated List of Threatened Philippine Plants and their Categories."
The presence of these rare flowers emphasizes the need for ongoing conservation efforts to protect the biodiversity within Mount Matutum.
The MMPL-BMS team plans to return to the area for a follow-up monitoring to observe the plant’s full bloom. The BMS is conducted twice annually to closely monitor the biodiversity in the area, address potential threats, and provide targeted recommendations for conservation efforts. # (With report from JVOro and photos by PAMO-MMPL)